About Welcome to Cuztumly Crafted!! Where we are ALL cuztumly made! Hello my name is Darius Coleman founder and C.E.O of Cuztumly Crafted. My clothing brand is designed for everyone. The spelling of the name is different ,the design of the logo is diffe
Welcome to Cuztumly Crafted!! Where we are ALL cuztumly made!
Hello my name is Darius Coleman founder and C.E.O of Cuztumly Crafted. My clothing brand is designed for everyone. The spelling of the name is different ,the design of the logo is different all, Cuztumly Crafted!!The paint brush,pallet ,needle and thread are a symbol that we are made of the best fabric and have the artistic freedom to express ourselves accordingly.
As you browse through my Shopify store you will see and feel all positively motivating attire.
Such as how I use the word H.U.S.T.L.E as an acronym “How U Strive To Live Everyday”
Whatever life throws our way we are miracles and blessings.This brand is created to remind us how even though life can be struggle it is still Simply Wonderful and we are Cuztumly Crafted!!!
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